1. Michael is a publication series of The Norwegian Medical Society (Det norske medicinske Selskab).
2. Michael is named after Michael Skjelderup (1769 – 1852), the first medical professor in Norway and one of the founding fathers of the Society.
3. Michael is distributed to the members of the Society, other subscribers and libraries. Separate issues may also be distributed to external groups of readers.
4. Michael publishes high quality papers on topics within the range of interest held by the Society. The manuscripts will be peer reviewed prior to the editorial decision on acceptance.
5. Michael publishes articles in the Scandinavian languages or in English, depending on topic and main readership. Michael is published in full text on the Internet (www.dnms.no).
6. Michael publishes four regular issues a year. Supplements may be published at irregular intervals.
7. Michael’s editors are appointed for a period of three years among the members of The Norwegian Medical Society by its Board. Reappointments are allowed. The editors may supplement themselves by editorial members from collaborating associations and appoint ad hoc editors for special issues.
Editors 2017:
Professor Øivind Larsen
Professor Magne Nylenna
Dr. Astrid Nylenna (secretary)
Editorial board 2017:
Professor Stein A. Evensen
Professor Jan Frich
Professor Christoph Gradmann
Professor Arvid Heiberg
Director Frøydis Langmark
Post. doc. stip. Kristine Lillestøl
Postal address:
Michael, c/o professor Øivind Larsen
p.o.box 1130 Blindern
N-0318 Oslo, Norway
Annual subscription rate
NOK 400 (2017)
ISSN 1893 – 9651