List of participants
Senior advisor Anne Alvik, Oslo
Special advisor Hans M. Borchgrevink, Norwegian Research Council
Professor Dag Bruusgaard, University of Oslo
College lecturer Kirsten Bråten, Akershus University College
Professor Bjørgulf Claussen, University of Oslo
Public health nurse Kari Eriksen, Kløfta
Advisor Claus Fischer, city region St. Hanshaugen, Oslo
Associate professor Elisabeth Fosse, University of Bergen
Senior advisor Liv Grøtvedt, National Institute of Health
Associate professor Hans A. Hauge, Vestfold University College
Self employed Kristin Eline Hauge, Kongsvinger
Professor Jostein Holmen, NTNU, Trondheim
Professor Arne T. Høstmark, University of Oslo
Professor Øivind Larsen, University of Oslo
Deputy director Marit Lie, Ministry of health
Deputy director Lisbeth Hårstad, Ministry of health
Dr. philos. Johan Lund, University of Oslo
Advisor Sissel Jacobsen, Ministry of health
Associate professor Dino Karabeg, University of Oslo
Municipality head physician Pål Kippenes, Nes and Eidsvoll municipalities
Chief consultant Helge Kjuus, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo
Advisor Morten Kvisvik, University of Oslo
Municipality head physician Frantz Leonard, city region St. Hanshaugen, Oslo
Health advisor Elin Løvseth, city region St. Hanshaugen, Oslo
Professor Maurice B. Mittelmark, University of Bergen
Advisor Boas K. Nielsen, University of Oslo
Professor. Tor Norseth, National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo
Professor Magne Nylenna, NTNU, Trondheim
Deputy director Wenche Nystad, National Institute of Health
Univerity college lecturer (ret.) Tor Næss, Telemark University College
Research fellow Øyvind Næss, University of Oslo
Associate professor Asbjørn Røiseland, Nordland University College, Bodø
Municipality head physician Unni Britt Schjervheim, Ullensaker municipality
County medical officer (ret.) Hans Petter Schjønsby, Hamar
Senior advisor Anders Smith, Directorate of Health and Social affairs
Research fellow Hans Magnus Solli, Universitetet i Oslo
Municipality head physician Dianne Steenberg, Oppegård municipality
Senior advisor Kjartan Sælensminde, Directorate of Health and Social Affairs
Professor Gunnar Tellnes, University of Oslo
University college lecturer Mariann Tvetene, Akershus University College
Director Ragna Valen, Norwegian Research Council
Senior consultant Axel Wannag,Work Inspectorate, Oslo
Nurse Margaret Wathne, Ullevål University Hospital
Deputy director (ret.) Hans Ånstad, Directorate of Health and Social Affairs
Professor Nils Aarsæther, University of Tromsø